Robbie and Autumn at church at Trailblazers Church of State College, PA Sunday morning worship service with Trailblazers Church of State College, PA Nigerian man worshipping Jesus at Trailblazers Church of State College, PA Sarah doing a prayer walk with Trailblazers Church of State College, PA Mom and child worshipping God with Trailblazers Church of State College, PA Sunday morning worship outside at the Palmer Art Museum Plaza at Penn State with Trailblazers Church of State College, PA Welcome to Trailblazers Church of State College, PA! Robbie working to share Jesus through Trailblazers Church of State College, PA Post-doc student at church at Trailblazers Church of State College, PA Our sign and entryway at the Lions Club, westbound on PA 45/Pine Grove Road Autumn and Robbie at Trailblazers Church of State College, PA