The word that people turn to again and again to explain why they love the Vineyard is family. This is a place where people belong, with multi-generational ministry featuring established, experienced leaders who have been around for decades serving alongside young leaders who are just getting started. We are diverse in age, geography, and ethnicity, and when you join any local Vineyard church, you become a part of a worldwide movement of people who want to see the world come to know Jesus. Trailblazers is part of the Vineyard family which includes some 125,000 people and 500+ churches all over the United States and 2,500+ churches on six continents all over the world.
Trailblazers is part of the worldwide Vineyard movement. The Vineyard church is a non-denominational, charismatic Christian movement of churches dedicated to Bible-based, Spirit-filled ministry. Some of the distinct characteristics of the Vineyard church include an emphasis on personal experience with God, the belief in the continuation of spiritual gifts such as healing and prophecy, and a focus on practical ministry and service. The Vineyard church also places a strong emphasis on the importance of small groups and community. Additionally, the Vineyard church is known for its contemporary worship music and a relaxed, informal atmosphere in its services.
"The Vineyard is a God-initiated global movement of churches with the Kingdom of God as its theological center. The Bible is our rule of faith and practice. Our desire is to know the Bible, do what it says, and experience the way of living it describes. We embrace a full range of kingdom practices from proclaiming the Good News of Jesus, to healing and deliverance, to ministry with the poor. Vineyard churches embody a praxis that includes intimate worship, actively equipping ordinary people for ministry, responding to the initiative and leading of the Holy Spirit, and joining Gods mission in the world." Read more about Vineyard Core Values & Beliefs.