Trailblazers Church of State College, PA \ About \ Questions and Answers
What should I expect when I visit your church?
Our worship times are contemporary in style, and we mix it up between live guitar and Youtube playlists. Usually worship is about 30 minutes, but sometimes we get extra into it and go as the Spirit leads.
Ministry Time
I think you're going to love ministry time. Most people have never experienced anything like it. This is a time when each person who comes is invited to receive personal prayer. We pray for prayer requests and needs, but we also just spend time lavishing God's blessings on each other, listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He leads us in prophetic encouragement. Ministry time is dedicated to building you up to be the wonderful person God has created you to be. One thing we all take away from it is this: God really does love us!
Bible study / sermon
Depending on how many people are in attendance, we vary between interactive sermons, Bible storytelling, small group Bible studies, and videos such as the Alpha series. Your questions are welcome, whether everyday "How do I live my life?" sorts of questions or impossible "How in the world does the Trinity work?" kinds of questions. The Bible is our authority and foundation of truth. Let's study it together and learn what God is saying to us today!
Communion, also called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist, is a time of thanksgiving to Jesus for sacrificing His life for us.
Enjoy Time With Us
We are a community with structure, not an event. Church often runs later than 12:00 pm because people like to ask questions, participate, and really get into ministry time. We have people who show up late, and others who leave early. If you need to leave by noon, that is absolutely ok. Additionally, we arrive to set up and pray and hang out around 9:00, so you are welcome to come early as well. Or, if you want to bring yourself a snack or lunch, that works, too! But our official time is 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.
We hope to see you soon at Trailblazers Church of State College!