Trailblazers Church of State College, PA \ Teaching \ Stories from the Bible

The Story Of Creation

The Story of Creation

The origin of the universe and the earth from the Bible, Genesis 1-2

I invite you to join me in looking back long, long ago, way back in the beginning, before the Earth was formed, before the universe came into existence, before time itself, as we know it, began.

There, at the end of eternity past, there was nothing, nothing but God. God was alive and vibrant; He was full of love and creative desire. And God said to Himself,

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were a world of people like Me, full of life and love, purpose and meaning?”

So it was that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

At first, the earth was formless and empty: nobody lived there, and nothing was happening there. The surface was deep, dark water, but the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Then God said,

“Let there be light!”

And there was light. God saw the light, and it was good! And God separated the light from the darkness. God named the light, “Day,” and He named the darkness , “Night.”

Then there was evening and there was morning: one day.

Then God said,

“Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the water from the water!”

And it was so. God created the expanse, and He separated the water, some far above the expanse at the edge of the universe, and some below the expanse, on the earth. God called the expanse, “The heavens.” It includes both the sky here on earth and the depths of outer space above. God saw that the expanse was good.

Then there was evening and there was morning: the second day.

Then God said,

“Let there be seas and let there be land!”

And it was so. God gathered together the water on the earth into oceans and seas and rivers and streams, and dry ground appeared. God saw that the land and the seas were good.

Then God said,

“Let plants fill the earth!”

And they did. God created every kind of plant, from seaweed in the ocean to trees on the land. God saw that all the plants were good.

Then there was evening and there was morning: the third day.

Then God said,

“Let lights fill the heavens, and let them be used to mark signs and seasons, days and years, and let them give light on the earth!”

And it was so. God created every light that’s up in the sky. He created the sun for the day and the moon for the night. He also created the planets and comets and stars, everything that moves through outer space, to give light on the earth. God saw that the lights were good.

Then there was evening and there was morning: the fourth day.

Then God said,

“Let the ocean be filled with fish and the sky be filled with birds!”

And it was so. God created everything that lives and moves in the oceans and seas, form great big sea monsters to itty-bitty guppies. Then God created all the birds that fly above the face of the earth. God saw that the fish and the birds were good.

Then there was evening and there was morning: the fifth day.

Then God said,

“Let animals fill the earth!”

And they did. God created every kind creature that moves along the ground, from insects to mammals, frogs to dinosaurs, every living thing, lions, and tigers, and dragons, everything that there is that lives and moves on the earth. God created it all.

And then God said,

“Let’s make humanity in Our image and Our likeness, and let him rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves along the face of the earth.”

So God created humanity, one man and one woman, both created in the image and likeness of God. And He blessed them, and He said to them,

“Go and thrive! Fill the earth, and bring it under your care. Rule with goodness and honor over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves along the face of the earth. And look, I give to you every green plant for food. And likewise to the animals I give every green plant for food.”

Then God looked at all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.

Then there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Now, when God created people, this is how He did it:

He took some dust from the ground, and He formed it into a man, and He breathed into his nose the breath of life, and the man became a living being. God planted a garden in the east in a place called Eden, and He sent a river to water the garden, and He put beautiful trees with delicious fruit in the garden. He placed two special trees in the middle garden: the Tree of Life, which, if you ate from it, you would live forever, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And He said to the man, whose name was Adam,

“You may eat from any tree in the garden except one tree: you must not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for if you eat from it you will die.”

Then God said,

“It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper equal to him.”

So God brought to Adam every kind of animal to be named by him, and Adam realized that not one of these animals could ever be a helper equal to him. So God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep.=, and while Adam slept, God took a rib from his side. God formed a woman from the rib, and He brought her to him. It is for this reason that a man leaves his parents to be united in marriage with his wife, and they become united as one body. So, too, a woman leaves her parents to be united with her husband: one man and one woman joined together by God as long as they both shall live. So Adam and his wife, Eve, were married, and they were both naked, but they were not ashamed.

So it was that in just six days, God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them.

God rested on the seventh day from all of the work of creating He had done. And He blessed the seventh day, and He set it apart as holy, because on it He rested from all of the work of creating that He had done.

Wrap Up

Thank you for joining me for this story from the Bible, the story of Creation, the story of how God created the heavens and the earth. Join me again soon for the next story, “What Happened in the Garden?”

This story was brought to you by Trailblazers Church, a church dedicated to bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the farthest reaches of heaven and earth. Thank you for joining us. Please, subscribe to our channel, visit our website at, and come join us in person because we want to get to know you. We believe that you can hear God for yourself, and at church every Sunday, we help each other learn and practice how to hear God. So come! Join us, and find out what God has planned for you. We believe that God has a wonderful relationship that He wants to have with you. And He has an identity designed just for you. And He has a destiny designed just for you, an adventure of life that He has set out before you, and all you have to do is come find out what it is. So come, join us, and thank you again for joining us for this video, and we look forward to seeing you again soon. Farewell.


Where did animals come from? Where did people come from? How did God create the universe? Who were Adam and Eve? This is the story of the origins of our world: how God created the whole universe, the heavens and the Earth, and everything in them. The story of Creation is found in the book of Genesis in the Bible (Genesis 1-2). It tells not only how God created everything, but also how He personally created the first man and the first woman and the Garden of Eden in which they lived.